Thursday, February 24, 2011

it's empty in the valley of your heart.

lately, i feel lost.

last semester i conquered the shit out of school... straight A's, happy days, good profs, etc. this semester... not so much.

i'm beginning to feel like i could be doing greater things than what i am doing... there was a time when i'd tell myself that if my soul or the universe were to guide me in a certain direction, i wouldn't dare refute my destiny and ignore those little tugs at my heart by continuing on the path i was on. currently, this path is one that has been far-too-frequently trotted... i'll call this path "The Norm Way".

currently, it is 4:40 pm on a thursday afternoon. this means that i should be in French 122, sitting through a two hour class where we distinguish between the uses of the passe compose and the imparfait. merci beacoup, mais no thanks. i'm over the repetitive bullshit that we are taught in school... really, i'm over it. and that's a scary mother fucking thought, because i still have another year of school to go.

now, i'm at a crossroads... to take a semester off and fly to an unknown destination, or to sit here with eyes glazed over and read books detailed with jargon and futility? that, is the the question.


i'm beginning to feel like i need to be searching for something greater... something that can make me feel excited about life again. but where and what that something is, i do not know. that, too, is a scary thought.

gh, xO