Sunday, January 16, 2011


I haven't written in over a month; I'm thinking it's mostly because I haven't had finals and papers to distract myself from. Also, it's been a busy month. So much has happened and changed. I went to California for Christmas, one of my aunts was put on and off of life support, a great uncle of mine passed away (God rest his soul), and the spring semester began. It's crazy to think how time is so fleeting, yet a single second can drastically alter a person's life. I had an epiphanic moment that resulted in my understanding of ancient teachings that this complex world has one simplistic yet interesting feature, and that is that it can be controlled by your mind. What you're thinking and putting out into the universe as thought and meaning comes back to you as reality. 2011 is the first year of the rest of my life. I am so grateful for the love, happiness, health, comfort, passion, knowledge, friendship, kindness, reward, etc. in my life. Tomorrow and the day after and forever will consist of these virtues and more. A new year brings with it change and love.

gh, xO

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